
Get some 1850s trail fashion going on! Know what to wear and what not to wear on Trek.

Heights Trek 23 wardrobe philosophy:

We dress in pioneer style clothing on Trek because doing so has a remarkable impact on the spirit of the trek and it sets an outward tone of commemoration when Trek participants try to look the part. It also helps to even the fashion playing field. If everyone looks mostly the same then disparities in fashion, wealth, or sense of style matter less than they usually do. Pioneer style clothing protects against sunburn, wind burn and bug bites better than most of the normal clothes we wear.

There are lots of options for obtaining pioneer clothing. Make sure you checkout thrift stores and on-line stores. There are also tons of patterns available at fabric stores. You can also look into borrowing from other people who have previously trekked. This should not be a large expense for trekkers.

Select this link for the Clothing requirements sheet: Clothing Requirements